Number of days until the 2025 AP Chemistry Exam:    

Galileo Academy of Science and Technology

AP Chemistry

2024 - 2025




Respect everyone in class.

Students are responsible for all aspects of the class.

Students may need to remain after school for exams / review sessions.

Students are strongly urged to take the AP Chemistry exam.

sign up for access to ap classroom (student guide) / test registration / test fee info; course join code = J3GPA7

Follow all laboratory safety rules.

course description

This class will prepare you for the AP Chemistry exam (on Tues morning, May 6, 2025, which will have a hybrid format (rationale ?; tips); i.e. online MCQ test and online FRQ, but write your FR response on paper). This is a demanding course that is equivalent to a first-year college-level course for science majors.  You may earn college credit and UC awards an extra "grade point" for this course. Due to the culumative nature of chemistry, strongly recommend getting chem tutoring as soon as any problem arises and form a study group (password = 94109G). Use past exams [1 ; 2 ] as a study guide / test preparation resource.

excellent preparation for college chemistry,  a “gate keeper “ (12) course,  required in STEM majors.

for non-STEM majors, prepare for the rigors of college; e.g. college graduation rate (1) and college vs high school expectations (1)

Textbook: Chemistry; Brown et al.

optional resource; e.g. Khan AP chem; OpenStax chem textbook

prerequisites:  chemistry (or consent of instructor) & advanced algebra

  A = 85 - 100 %  test / quiz = 80 %
  B = 70 - 84.9 CW / HW = 10 %
  C = 55 - 69.9 lab = 10 %
  D = 20 - 54.9    
  F =  < 20    

the semester grade and grading period grades are based on the above components and cumulative from the beginning of the semester; thus the semester grade may not be the average of your grading period grades.  While the Synergy gradebook grade cut-off does not match the above cut-off, the letter grade will be the same in the online grade book and Synergy grade book.  The online gradebook will be updated on a more regular basis and be more informative than the Synergy gradebook.

upon student request, semester grade adjustment based on College Boad ap chemistry exam score: 5 = A for one semesters; 4 = B for one semester; 3 = C for one semester (due to "ease" of scores). get a grade change form from the counseling office, copy of this course syllabus, & your report card before the end of the 2 nd week of school in the subsequent fall semester.

potential spring semester project.

Class policy

academic integrity (e.g. 1; potential consequence; e.g. 1; 2; 3 ): Plagiarism (e.g. lack of appropriate quote marks / citation in a lab assignment; as such, include both in-text citation and a reference list / bibiography at the end of the lab assignment) or cheating on an exam is unacceptable; potential consequences (teacher discretion):  (i) score = 0 (default), (ii) negative score, (iii) lower semester grade by 1 level, and (iv) semester grade = F. in regards to the use of AI chatbot; be aware of possible errors and cite its use to avoid plariarism.

Based on the benefits of group work, up to three students may work in a group on their prelab and / or lab report and / or HW assignments.

print your name (and all group members' names) on anything that is turned in; otherwise, no points. 

Deadline to correct any errors, or to turn in any missing work / items in the online gradebook, is on the last day of the corresponding grading period. 50% penalty on any late work; unless due to an absence and (i) it's turned in on the day of your return to school, (ii) write "absent" on the late work, and (iii) attach your email notification of your absence to me on the day of your absence that the assignment is due.  


  • score = 0 for being absent on exam or quiz day
  • retest (after school; optional; teacher discretion) record highest score
  • weekly quiz on Monday (Tuesday if Monday is a holiday) based on the prior week's course content; may use 1- page / 1 side of notes
  • may include past topics & lab topics.
  • may use calculator & "green sheets" (ap exam periodic table / equation/ various appendix from textbook) for test / quiz; may not write on these sheets
  • Final exam is cumulative and multiple choice format; in the spring final exam, may include FRQ


  • prelab due on the day of the lab at the beginning of the period; it's late if turned-in later; see course assignment website for the day of the lab
  • no make-up labs, but can get lab data from a classmate and to avoid plagirism, cite data source & state absence
  • read lab notebook (NB) rubric / scoresheet and lab safety rules; sign & attach to the end of your lab notebook; otherewise, no lab notebook points. also, turn in copy of signed lab safety form; otherwise, lab assignment score = 0.
  • to prepare your lab report, use Word (including equation editor) & Excel (or equivalent) as appropriate.
  • lost of prelab / lab report points for improper sequence of content
  • also, turn in copy of signed lab safety form; otherwise, lab assignment score = 0
  • failure to share your group's data → lab report score = 0, which can't be dropped using chem tutoring

class work / home work

  • include HW score on HW:  2 points for trying each problem, 1 point for trying part of a problem, 0 point for no attempt on a problem; any multiple-part problem is still worth 2 points. 
  • write your HW score at the top of the assignment; otherwise, your score = 0.
  • turn-in signature + survey form; otherwise, score = 0
  • unless otherwise stated, due at the beginning of the period; it's late if turned-in later

hallway / phone / chromebook policy

Any exceptions to the policy in the syllabus (e.g quiz / test) will require a note signed by me (or an email exchange between you and me). 

Fill-out survey ; signature form ; lab safety form

Tentative sequence of topics: AP Chemistry



  ch. 2 atoms, molecules, & ions ch. 10 gas (potential winter break assignment)
  ch. 25 intro organic- & bio- chemistry ch. 14 kinetics
  ch. 1 measurement   ch. 15 equilibrium (+ ch. 19.7 and link)
    ch. 6 atomic structure, light   ch. 16 acid - base equilibrium
    ch. 7 periodic trends ch.17 other equilibrium
  ch. 11.8; 23.5 - 23.6 intro to metal / alloys / PES ch. 20 electrochemistry (+ ch. 4.6)
  ch. 3.3 mass spectroscopy  
  ch. 8 chemical bonds prepare for AP exam
  ch. 9 molecular geometry  
    ch. 11 IMF  
    ch. 3 stochiometry  
  ch. 4 aqueous Rx & soln stiochiometry  
  ch. 13 solution  
    ch. 5 (+ ch. 8.9 & 11.4) thermochemistry  
    ch. 19 thermodynamcis  


assignments (tentative - subject to change, depending upon topic coverage in class)

link to additional HW problems

link to CB ap classroom

date assignment due
block test on ch. 17, 4.6, 8.10, & 20  
Tu, May 6 AP chem test  
Mon, Mar 24 "AP test prep"  

Fri, Mar 21


collect Ka lab report

collect / review HW: ch. 20








begin "AP test prep"

ap chem exam prep resouces

electrochem video


Tu, Mar 18




ch. 20.8 - 20.9 electrolytic cell

additional HW problems: electrochem 1974, 1981, 1982, 1986

ap classroom: electrochem

henceforth, bring past ap chem MCQ / FRQ binder to class - schedule (tentative / pending)


Fri, Mar 21

Tu, May 25


Mon, Mar 17


weekly quiz

finish up


Fri, Mar 14


ch. 20.5 - 20.6 thermo / electrochem; Nernst eqn; # 41; 43, 45, 51

additional HW problems: electrochem 1972, 1973, 1976, 1978, 1980

Fri, Mar 21


block Ka lab      " 
Tue, Mar 11 ch. 20.3 - 20.4 voltaic cell & cell EMF; # 13, 19, 21      " 

Mon, Mar 10



weekly quiz

ch. 20.2 balancing redox Rx; # 7

retest on ch. 15 & 16 equilibrium (after school; optional)

Fri, Mar 7 collect / review ch. 17 HW  
block Ka lab  
Tu, Mar 4 finish up  

Mon, Mar 3




weekly quiz

ch. 8.10 oxidation state; # 63, 69

ch. 20.1 redox Rx; # 1, 4, 6

ch. 4.6 redox Rx; # 45





Fri, Feb 28 finish up  
block test on ch. 15 & 16 equilibrium  

Tu, Feb 25





finish up, if needed

ch. 17.4 Ksp

additional HW problems: equilibrium 1985, 1994

skim ch. 17.5 - 17.7

ap classroom: equilbrium 3



Fri, Mar 7



Mon, Feb 24



weekly quiz

ch. 17.2 add acid / base to buffer; # 17, 19

announcements: revise chem tutoring form due to potentila fraud / lack of academic integrity




Fri, Feb 21




end of grading period

last day to turn in missing / late work; correct online gradebook errors

collect chem tutoring form

collect HW: ch. 16








finish up

additional HW problems: acid / base 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1978 (1st & 2nd)

collect chem tutoring form


Tue, Feb 18




weekly quiz

ch. 17.3 acid / base titration; # 21, 23, 24, 27, 28

skim: limit article

announcement: plan update online gradebook, tonight



Mon, Feb 17 holiday  

Fri, Feb 14


finish up

retest: gas & kinetics (optional; after school)




ch. 17.1 - 17.2 common ion effect & buffer; # 7, 9, 11, 15

ch. 17.2 add acid / base to buffer; # 17, 19



Tu, Feb 11



ch. 16.10 acid structure / strength; # 67, 69; skim

additional HW problems: acid / base 1970 (2nd & 3rd)

ap classroom: equilbrium 2

Fri, Feb 21



Mon, Feb 10



weekly quiz

collect / review HW: ch. 15

announcement: sorry; as forgot to make equilb 1 ap classroom HW available, moved due date from today to this week Friday



Fri, Feb 7


ch. 16.8 - 16.9 pH of salt; # 59, 61

additional HW problems: acid / base 1981, 1984 (1st)




ch. 16.1 - 16.4 acid / base; pH; # 7, 11, 13; 15, 21, 27

ch. 16.5 - 16.7 pH of strong / weak acid / base; # 29, 31, 33; 37, 39, 41



Tu, Feb 4 test on gas & kinetics  

Mon, Feb 3



weekly quiz

finish up thermo & equilibrium

ap classroom: equilibrium 1



Fri, Feb 14

Fri, Jan 31


reaction quotient & ICE table; skim

ch. 19.7 thermodynamics & equilibrium; link


Thu, Jan 30




ch. 15.6 LeChatilier's principle; skim

additional HW problems: equilbrium 1977, 1980, 1981

announcment: AP classroom new feature = periodic table / equation sheets are now available, so you can practice access. aware might be inconvenient to use, so you might wish to practice accessing it.


Mon, Feb 10



Wed, Jan 29 holiday  

Tu, Jan 28




ch. 15.4 - 15.5 ICE table; # 27, 31, 35, 37


  • extra credit for lab report using python - must use both "code" and "text / markdown" mode to write the entire lab report
  • view video about reaction mechanism energy profile in ap classroom





Mon, Jan 27



weekly quiz

collect / review kinetics HW

odyssey kinetics: energy profile for mechanism & orientation during collision


Fri, Jan 24



collect lab report

ch. 15.1 - 15.3 equilibrium & equilibrium constant; # 8, 9; 13, 15, 17, 19, 21

retest on thermo (optional; after school)

block finish up  

Tu, Jan 21



weekly quiz


see links about Boyles' law & lungs: video 1 ; video 2; text -- intergrate chem, biol, & physics

Mon, Jan 20 holiday  

Fri, Jan 17




ch. 14.5 reaction mechanism

additional HW problems: kinetics 1984, 1990, 1991

ap classroom: kinetics

skim:  Michaelis Menten kinetics - enzyme


Mon, Jan 27



block kinetics lab      "  
Tu, Jan 14 test on thermo  

Mon, Jan 13



weekly quiz

ch. 14.4 & 14.6 Arrenihius eqn & catalyst

additional HW problems: kinetics 1971, 1980, 1983



Mon, Jan 27

Fri, Jan 10

ch. 14.3 rate law: graphical analysis

additional HW problems: kinetics 1971, 1980, 1983





ch. 14.2 rate law: algebraic analysis

additional HW problems: kinetics 1972ab, 1974, 1975a, 1979, 1981, 1987



Tu,Jan 7 ch. 14.1 stochiometry & kinetics; # 9, 11      "  

Mon, Jan 6


weekly quiz

collect / review HW: gas

extra credit opportunity

  fall; spring  

homework problems refer (i) to the problems at the end of the chapter in the textbook and (ii) due on the next class day, unless otherwise stated

(tentative) schedule of labs   {refers to investigation # in the AP chem lab manual}

link to google sheets to share class lab data for subsequent statistical analysis

Fall semester labs

lab 1. organic isomer lab

lab 2: Beer's Law [after ch. 6 atomic energy levels] {1 & 2} 

lab 3: chromatography [after ch. 11 intermolecular forces]  {5} animation

lab 4: determine relative amount of NaHCO3 versus Na2CO3 in a sample [after ch. 3 stoichiometry]  {7}

lab 5: empirical formula;  simulation 1

 lab 6: determine relative amount of aspirin versus acetaminophen in a sample {9}

lab 7: cation analysis [after ch. 4 solubility / precipitation Rx]  animation (link 1 link 2)

lab 8: acid / base titration [after ch. 4 acid / base titration]  {4}   animation 1

lab 9 : enthalpy of reaction [after ch. 5 thermochemistry]  {12} animation 1

Spring semester labs

lab 10 : determine rate law {11}; simulation (cdf; nb)

lab 11 : determine Ka of acetic acid [after ch. 16 equilibrium]  animation 1

lab 12: electrolytic cell [after ch. 20 electrochemistry]    animation 1

Keep your laboratory notebook, since colleges may wish to review your laboratory notebook prior to giving you college credit for Chemistry.

laboratory resources

regarding above simulations / animations:

1 source; after down loading *.swf file, use Ruffle to run animation / simulation

recommend that you view the animation / simulation prior to the lab, since illustrates experimental protocol and provides simulated experimental data, which provides lab data analysis opportunity.


old exams 2013 - 2014
ch,. 1 & 2 measurement, atoms, & molecules
ch. 6, 7, & 8 atomic orbital, periodic trends, & bonds I
ch. 9, 11, solids, bond II, IMF
ch. 3, 4, 13 stoichiometry & solution
ch. 5, 19, 8.9, 11.4 thermodynamics
ch. 10, 23, 24 gas, metal, complex ions
ch. 14 kinetics
ch. 15 equilibrium 1
ch. 16 equilibrium 2
ch. 17 equilibrium 3
ch. 20 & 25 electrochem; organic / biochem
old exams 2014 - 2015 (contain answers by students; *.docx files)
ch. 1, 2, 25 measurement, atoms, molecules, & organic / biochem
ch. 6 & 7 atomic structure & periodic trends
ch. 8 & 9 chemical bonds & VSEPR
ch. 3 & 11 stochio & IMF available
ch. 4 & 13 solutions available
gas & kinetics available
ch. 5, 19 thermodynamics available
ch. 15, 16 equilibrium I available
ch. 17, 20 equilibrium II & electrochem available
old exams 2015 - 2016
ch. 1, 2, 25 conversion factors, atom / molecules, organic chem available
ch. 6 & 7 atomic structure & periodic trends available
ch. 8 & 9; 11.8, 23.5 - 23.6 chemical bonds & VSEPR; solids available
ch. 3 & 11 stochiometry & IMF available
ch. 4, 13, 16.11, 24.1 solution, reactions, complex ion Rx available
ch. 5, 19, 8.9, 11.4, 10 thermodynamics & gas available
ch. 14 kinetics available
ch. 15, 16, 19.7 equilibrium available
ch. 17, 8.10, 20 buffer, Ksp & electrochem available
old exams 2016 - 2017
ch. 1, 2, 25 conversion factors, atom / molecules, organic chem available
ch. 6 & 7 atomic structure & periodic trends available
ch. 8 & 9 bonds / VSEPR / solid available
ch. 3 & 11 stochi & IMF available
ch. 4, 13, 16.11, 24.1 solution, reactions, complex ion Rx available
ch. 5, 19, 8.9, 11.4 thermodynamics available
ch. 10 & 14 gas & kinetics available
ch. 15, 16, 19.7 equilibrium available
ch. 17, 8.10, 20 buffer, Ksp & electrochem available
old exams 2017 - 2018; use Zumdahl textbook
ch. 1, 2, 22 chem foundation; atoms, molecules, ions; organic- / bio- chem  available
ch. 7 & 8 atomic structure / periodicity; Lewis structure / VSEPR available
ch. 9, 10 covalent / metallic bonds & IMF  available
ch. 3, 4, 11, 21.3  stochiometry, solution, reactions available
ch. 6, 16, & 8.8  thermodynamics available
ch. 5 & 12  Gas & kinetics available
ch. 13 & 14 equilibrium available
ch. 15 & 17 equilibrium & electrochem available
old exams 2018 - 2019
sorry; didn't upload, this year  
old exams 2019 - 2020
did not teach ap chem; taught ap physics C  
old exams 2020 - 2021; return to Brown et al textbook
 ch. 1, 2, 25  atoms, molecules, & organic   + scoring rubric available
 ch. 6 & 7  atomic orbital, electron configuration, light, periodic trends   + scoring rubric available
 ch. 23.5 - 23.6; 3.3; 8 metals, spectroscopy, & chemical bonds   + scoring rubric available
 ch. 9 & 11  molecular geometry & IMF    + scoring rubric available
 ch. 3 & 4 stochi & chemical reactions    + scoring rubric available
 ch. 5, 19, 8.8, 11.4  thermodynamics    + scoring rubric available
 ch. 10 & 14 gas & kinetics    + scoring rubric available
ch. 15, 16, & 19.7 equilibrium    + scoring rubric available
ch. 17, 20, 4.6, 8.10 equilibrium & electrochem    + scoring rubric available
old exams 2021 - 2022
ch. 1, 2, 25 atom, molecules; & organic / biochem + scoring key available
ch. 6, 7, 23 light, atomic structure, periodic trend, metal / alloy + scoring key available
ch. 8 & 9 chemical bonds, molecular polarity, PES + scoring key available
ch. 11, 3, 4 IMF, stochiometry, chemical reactions / solutions + scoring key available
ch. 5, 19, 8.9, 11.4 thermo + scoring key available
ch. 10 & 14 gas & kinetics + scoring key available
ch. 15 & 16 equilibirum + scoring key available
ch. 17, 20, 4.6, & 8.10 equilibrium II & electrochem + scoring key available
old exams 2022 - 2023
ch. 1, 2, 25 atoms, molecules, organic / biochem + scoring rubric + retest available
ch. 6 & 7 light, atomic structure, periodic trends + scoring guide + retest available
ch. 8, 9, bond & molecular poloarity & misc + scoring guide + retest available
ch. 11. 3, 4 IMF stochi Rx + scoring guide + retest available
ch. 5, 19, 8.9, 11.4 thermo + scoring guide + retest available
ch. 10 & 14 gas & kinetics + scoring guide + retest available
ch. 15 & 16 equilibrim 1 + scoring guide + retest available
ch. 17, 20, & 8.10; 10.7 equilibrium II + electrochem + thermo + scoring guide + retest available
old exams 2023 - 2024
ch. 1, 2, 25 atoms, molecules, organic / biochem + scoring rubric available
ch. 6 & 7 light, atomic structure, periodic trends + scoring guide available
ch. 8, 9, etc bond, vsepr, metal / alloy, PES, MS available
ch. 11 & 3 IMF & stochi + scoring guide available
ch. 4 & 13 solution, concentration, reactions + scoring guide available
ch.5, 19, 8.9, 11.4 thermo + scoring guide available
ch. 10 & 14 gas & kinetics + scoring guide available
ch. 15, 16, 19.7 equilibrium I + scoring guide available
ch. 17 & 20 equilibrim II + electrochem + scoring guide available
old exams 2024 - 2025  
ch. 1, 2, 25 atoms, molecules, organic / biochem + scoring rubric available
ch. 6 & 7 atom, light, & periodic trends + scoring rubric available
ch. 8, 9, etc bond, vsepr, metal / alloy, PES, MS + scoring rubric available
ch. 11 & 3 IMF & stochiometry + scoring rubric available
ch. 4 & 13 reaction & solution + scoring key available
ch. 5, 19, 8.9, 11.4 thermo + scoring guide available
ch. 10 & 14 gas & kinetics + scoring guide available
ch. 15, 16, 19.7 equilibrium I + scoring guide available