Galileo Academy of Science and Technology

NGSS Chemistry 2024 - 2025


Course expectations


Respect everyone in class.

Students are responsible for ALL aspects of the course.

Follow all laboratory safety instructions.

Course description 


The course satisfies the SFUSD high school graduation requirement and meets the UC science admission requirements. The course is based on the NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards) standards. CSU chemistry validation policy (ask your counselor to elaborate / confirm). As an aspect of chemistry that makes it a "difficult" course is the culumative nature of the course, ensure that you "keep up" in class; otherwise, the course may become increasingly more frustrating / difficult.

course pedagogy = cooperative group work. Will randomly change group composition each grading period. In the fall, all group members, who are not regularly absent, will get the same points for group work. In the spring, mutual evaluation of group member participation, where group members will get no points for not participating in the group. Doing problems will help to learn chemistry.

Textbook:  SFUSD online NGSS chemistry / earth & space science textbook and appendix (log into your sfusd email account beforehand) . 

Supplemental resouces


  A = 85 - 100 % class work / home work = 50 %
  B = 70 - 84.9 test / quiz = 30
  C = 50 - 69.9 lab = 20
  D = 15 - 49.9    
  F = < 15    

the semester grade and grading period grades are based on the above components and cumulative from the beginning of the semester; thus the semester grade may not be the average of your grading period grades.  While the Synergy gradebook grade cut-off does not match the above cut-off, the the letter grade in the Synergy gradebook and the online gradebook will be the same.  Also, the online gradebook will be updated on a more regular basis and be more informative than the Synergy gradebook.

Synergy parent vue has an opt-in for notification of student attendance and when the Synergy grade book is updated.

Class policies 


hallway / phone / chromebook policy

print your name and all group members' names on groupwork assignments; otherwise, no points.

Deadline to correct any errors, or to turn in any missing work / items in the online gradebook, is on the last day of the corresponding grading period. 50% penalty on any late work; unless due to an absence and (i) it's turned in on the day of your return to school, (ii) write "absent" on the late work, and (iii) attach your email notification of your absence to me on the day of your absence that the assignment was due.  

test / quiz

  • weekly quiz on Monday (Tuesday if Monday is a holiday) based on the prior week's course content
  • score = 0 for being absent on exam or quiz day
  • may use your science notebook, calculator, periodic table / equation sheet, and any handouts.
  • may include lab / integrate prior related chemistry content.
  • in lieu of a final exam, there will be a fall and spring presentation.

class work / homework assignments (to done as a group)

  • in general, 2 points / question or problem for a "full" attempt ,while one point for a partial attempt and no points for no attempt. multiple part question or problem is still up to 2 points.
  • record score on assignment; if there is no score, then your score = 0
  • unless otherwise stated, due at the beginning of the period; it's late if turned-in later
  • turn-in signature + survey form; otherwise, score = 0
  • points for each student taking class notes; record on a class notes form.

lab assignments (prelab assignments & lab reports may be done by yourself or as a group)

  • prelab due on the day of the lab at the beginning of the period; it's late if turned-in later
  • no make-up labs, but can get lab data from a classmate and to avoid plagirism, cite data source & write "absent" on the lab report
  • lab reports: use Word (or equilvalent) and / or Excel (or equivalent); otherwise, score = 0 and it's due at the beginning of the period; it's late if turned-in later
  • prelab & lab report = group work or work as an individual
  • read lab safety rules; sign & attach to the end of your lab notebook
  • lost of prelab / lab report points for improper sequence of content
  • also, turn in copy of signed lab safety form; otherwise, lab assignment score = 0.

hallway / phone / chromebook policy

Any exceptions to the policy in the syllabus will require an email exchange regarding the issue (or a note signed by me).

fill-out / return: survey form and sign / return: signature form and lab safety form

Tentative sequence of topics: ngss Chemistry textbook  





ch. 1. density

ch. 2. trends & patterns in properties; atom & periodic trends

ch. 3. stars inside and out; spectroscopy

ch. 4. radioactivity: good or bad ?

ch. 5. bond

ch. 6. shape of things

ch. 7. I'm between molecules

ch. 9. intro climate change (presentation)

ch. 8. accounting for mass and energy

ch. 10 sea level rise

ch. 13 fuels

ch. 11 earth's energy balance (presentation)

ch. 12 atmosphere

ch. 14 rate & equilibrium

ch. 15 water quality

ch. 16 ocean acidification


assignments (tentative - subject to change, depending upon topic coverage in class) 

links to:

date description due
  winter break  
Fri, Dec 20 end of semester  
Tue, Dec 17 presentation  
Mon, Dec 16 presentation  
Fri, Dec 13 last day to turn in missing work / correct online grade book errors  


  • presentation rubrics - due at begining of class on the day of your group's presentation; otherwise, group score = 0
    • organization rubric
    • content rubric (use information assignment document and basis of evaluation is from prespective of your audience = high school students, so if it's too "complicated", your score = low)
  • presentation file or URL - email me before school starts on the day of your group's presentation; otherwise, group score = 0 - unless use white board / not google slides or MS Powerpoint
Fri, Dec 6 collect CW: presentation information gathering assignment  
Mon, Dec 2 +    
Fri, Nov 22 test on ch. 6  



guest speaker ?

collect Nov CW notes


Tue, Nov 19



guest speaker ?

CW: information gathering phase assignment

presentation rubric


Fri, Dec 6


Mon, Nov 18 guest speaker ?  

Fri, Nov 15


collect ch 6 HW

guest speaker




guest speaker

CW: ch. 9 intro to climate change ; bring your SF public library card & your chromebook to class


Tue - Wed, Dec 17 -18

Tu, Nov 12


weekly quiz

CW: notes on molarity polarity; slides and video

Mon, Nov 11 holiday  
Fri, Nov 8 test on ch. 5 bond; chemical formula / chemical name  



notes on VSEPR

vsepr lab

Tu,Nov 5 CW: ch. 6.1 notes on Lewis structures Fri, Nov 15

Mon, Nov 4


weekly quiz

revise seating chart


Fri, Nov 1




end of grading period

last day to turn in late / missing work & to correct any gradebook errors

collect ch. 5 CW / HW

test on ch. 4 nuclear chem

block finish up CW: ch 5  
Tu, Oct 29 retest on ch. 3 (optional)  

Mon, Oct 28


weekly quiz

CW: notes on ch. 5.2 chemical name / chemical formula of covalent cpd


Fri, Oct 25


collect ch 4.1 CW / HW

CW: ch. 5.2 notes on chemical name / formula of ionic chemicals


Fri, Nov 1




CW: ch. 5.1 chemical bonds

CW: ch. 5.2 notes on electronegativity; ionic / covalent bonds

finish up CW: ch 4.1




Tu,Oct 22 test on ch. 3 spectroscopy & star analysis  

Mon, Oct 21


weekly quiz

finish up ch. 4.1 notes on radioactive dating


Fri, Oct 18


collect CW / HW: ch. 3.4 problems & ch. 3.3 lab report

retest (optional) on ch. 2 chemical name / chemical formula; atomic orbitals / periodic trends



block CW: ch. 4.1 notes on nuclear Rx Fri, Oct 25

Tu, Oct 15


weekly quiz

finish up



Mon, Oct 14 holiday  

Fri, Oct 11


collect / review CW: ch. 3.2 spectroscopy

CW: ch. 3.4 problems


Fri, Oct 18




CW: ch. 3.3: 1st Explain; Part B. Practice with energy level diagrams --- it's a lab, not CW

collect prelab

star spectra simulation lab




Tu, Oct 8 finish up  

Mon, Oct 7


weekly quiz

CW: ch. 3.2 spectroscopy


Fri, Oct 11

Fri, Oct 4


test on ch. 2 chemical name / chemical formula; atomic orbitals / periodic trends

collect ch. 3.1 CW / HW

block finish-up  

Tu, Oct 1



collect / review HW: ch. 2.2 AO / periodic trends

CW: notes on orbital diagram

CW: ch. 3.1 ngss textbook - "engage": part B: spectroscope / hand microscope: computer color



Fri, Oct 4

Mon, Sept 30



weekly quiz

finish up CW / HW: ch. 2.2 periodic trends

reset seating chart / group composition


Fri, Sept 27



end of grading period

last day to turn in any missing / late work & correct gradebook errors

finish up CW / HW: ch. 2.2 periodic trends




block CW / HW: ch. 2.2 notes on periodic trends in atomic size & ionization energy Tue, Oct 1

Tue, Sept 24


collect / review HW: ch. 2.1 chem name / formula

CW / HW: notes on electron configuration / orbital diagram / periodic table



Mon, Sept 23


weekly quiz

CW / HW: ch. 2.2 notes on periodic trends in atomic size



Fri, Sept 20 test: ch. 1 density  




finish up, if needed

CW / HW: ch. 2.2 notes on atomic orbitals

finish up CW / HW: ch. 2.1 chem formula / name & 2.2 atomic orbitals

Tue, Sept 17 CW / HW ch. 2.1 notes on chemical formula & chemical name Tue, Sept 24

Mon, Sept 16






weekly quiz








Fri, Sept 13



collect / review CW / HW: ch. 1.3 phet simulation: density virtual lab

collect density lab report

collect intro qualitative stats lab report




block catch up  

Tu, Sept 10


finish up CW / HW: ch. 1.3 phet simulation: denisty lab

work on intro qualitative stats lab & density lab report


Mon, Sept 9



weekly quiz

finish up: density lab data analysis; share lab data

CW / HW: ch. 1.3 phet simulation: density virtual lab



Fri, Sept 13

Fri, Sept 6




collect / review HW: ch. 1.2 density problems

density lab data analysis

share lab data

work on intro qualitative stats lab




density lab

work on intro qualitative stats lab



Tue, Sept 3






weekly quiz

collect / review CW / HW: ch. 1.1 bouyant force

collect msds assignment

collect CW: notes form

intro qualitative stats lab ; i.e. collect prelab assignment @ beginning of class

announcements: updated online gradebook & Synergy gradebook - check for errors / turn in missing work; revise group composition






Mon, Sept 2 holiday  

Fri, Aug 30


collect / review CW / HW: Fermi problem

finish up CW / HW: ch. 1.1 bouyant force & 1.2 density problems






lab safety quiz

finish up CW / HW: Fermi problems & ch. 1.1 bouyant force

CW / HW: ch. 1.2 notes on density problems



Fri, Sept 6

Tu, Aug 27 finish up CW / HW: Fermi & ch. 1.1 bouyant force  

Mon, Aug 26





finish CW / HW: Fermi problem

CW / HW: ch. 1.1 videos & reading; bouyant force

announcement: due to (potential) student transfer into the class, will not enforce penalty of lab score = 0 or HW score = 0 for not submitting lab safety signature form or signature form, respectively until Aug 30 Sept 3

lab: msds


Tu, Sept 3




Fri, Aug 23






  • signature form + survey
  • lab safety form

distribute textbook

CW / HW: Fermi problem





Fri, Aug 30





collect writing assignment about value of education

review course syllabus

Icebreakers & Name games

  • Introduce Another
  • My Name



Tu, Aug 20 finish up  

Mon, Aug 19









distribute:   course syllabus, class notes record; lab safety info, periodic table / eqn sheet, signature form + survey; emergency restroom pass

attendance & seating chart

read the lab safety form and attach to the back of your lab notebook

HW: fill out / read / sign lab safety form

HW: read / sign signature form; fill-out survey

review course website  

CW / HW: value of education -- red text = writing assignment

announcement: henceforth, at least one person in your group, brings their chromebook laptop to class, whenever it's needed



Fri, Aug 23



block (Wed), Aug 21



possible lab activities

google sheet's link to share class data; period 6 or period 6

 description  lab handout
lab 1. intro to stats
lab 2. density
lab 4. atom & star spectral analysis
lab 5. VSEPR
lab 6.    chromatography
lab 7.  thermochemisty
lab 8. calorimetry / enthalpy
lab 9 Boyles law
lab 10 kinetics available
lab 11.  available
lab. 12.
lab 13
lab 14.  


laboratory resources

semi-random selection of past tests - recommend use as a study guide to prepare for upcoming tests

> >
description questions
2010 - 2011
ch. 3 & 4  atoms & molecules available
ch. 11 & 12  atomic structure & chemical bonds available
ch. 7 & 14  IMF & chemical equations available
ch. 8 & 18 chem Rx available
ch. 5 & 11 measurement & light available
ch. 6 & 9  moles & stoichiometry available
ch. 13 & 15  gas & solution available
ch. 14 & 10  thermodynamics available
nuclear chem & kinetics available
ch. 16 & 17  equilibrium & acid / base available
2012 - 2013
ch. 3 & 4 atoms & chem names / formulas available
ch. 11 & 12  atomic theory & bonds available
ch. 14 IMF available
ch. 7 & 8 chemical equations & NIE available
ch. 8 & 18 redox reactions available
ch. 5 & 11 measurement & light available
ch. 6 & 9  moles & stochiometry available
ch. 13 gas available
ch. 15 solution available
ch. 10 & 14  thermodynamics available
ch. 19 nuclear chem available
kinetics available
ch. 17 equilibrium available
ch. 16  acid, base, & pH available
2014 - 2015
ch. 3 & 4 atoms & molecules available
ch. 11 atomic orbitals available
ch. 12 chemical bonds available
ch. 14 IMF available
ch. 7 chemical equations available
ch. 8 & 18 chemical reactions available
ch. 5 & 11 measurement & light available
ch. 6 moles available
ch. 9 stochiometry available
ch. 13 gas available
ch. 15 solution available
ch. 10 & 14 thermodynamics available
kinetics available
ch. 16 & 17 equilibrium; acid, base, & pH available
2015 - 2016
ch. 3 & 4 atoms & molecules available
ch. 11 & 12 electron configuration & chemical bond available
ch. 14 & 7 IMF & chemical equations available
ch. 8 & 18 chemical reactions available
ch. 5 measurement available
ch. 11 light available
ch. 6 mole & empirical formula available
ch. 9 & 13 stoichiometry & gas available
ch. 15 solution available
ch.10, 14.2 - 14.3 thermodynamics available
kinetics available
ch. 19 nuclear chem available
ch. 17 equilibrium available
ch. 16, acid, base, pH, buffer available
2019 - 2020 (begin ngss chem; covid spring online class)
ch. 2 atomic structure & periodic trends in IE available
ch. 3 spectroscopy & stars available
ch. 4 nuclear chem available
ch. 12 & 14. Lewis structure, vsepr; molecular polarity, IMF available
ch. 9 & 10 climate change & sea level rise available
ch. 8 mole, stochiometry, & heat available
equilibrium available
2020 - 2021
did not teach ngss chem  
2021 - 2022
ch. 1 density & conversion factor + scoring key available
ch. 2 atomic structure / periodic trend + scoring key available
ch. 3 & 4. spectroscopy & nuclear chem + scoring key available
ch. 5 chemical bonds & chemical name / formula + scoring key available
ch. 6. VSEPR & molecular polarity + scoring key available
ch. 7 IMF + scoring key available
ch. 8 energy & accounting for mass + scoring key available
ch. 10 sea level rise / heat + scoring key available
ch. 11 earth's energy balance + scoring key available
ch. 12 atmosphere / gas + scoring key available
ch. 13 fuel / stochi + scoring key available
ch. 14 kinetics & equilbrium + scoring key available
2022 - 2023
ch. 1 density + conversion factor + scoring guide available
ch. 2 atom, e config, & periodic trends + scoring guide available
ch. 3 atoms & stars + scoring guide available
ch. 4 nuclear chem + scoring guide available
ch. 5 chemical bond; chemical name / formula available
ch. 6. Lewis structure; vsepr; molecular polarity + scoring guide available
ch. 7. IMF; relative BP / VP + scoring guide available
ch. 8 balance mass & heat + scoring guide available
ch. 10 sea level rise, thermal expansion, heat, heating curve; thermo lab + scoring guide available
ch. 13 fuel; heat; limiting reactant; enthalpy lab + scoring guide available
ch. 11 albedo, coral bleaching, earth's energy balance, greenhouse effect + scoring guide available
ch. 12 gas + scoring guide available
ch. 14 kinetics + scoring guide available
ch. 14 equilibrium + scoring guide available
ch. 15 aqueous reaction; soln conc; Ksp available
ch. 16 acid, bae, pH + scoring guide available
2023 - 2024  
ch. 1 density + conversion factor + scoring guide available
ch. 2 atom; periodic trend + scoring guide available
ch 3 star + scoing guide available
ch. 4 radioactive decay + scoring guide available
ch. 5 chemical bonds & chemical name / formula + scoring guide available
ch. 6 Lewis structure, vsepr, & polarity + scoring guide available
ch. 7 IMF available
ch. 8 balance chem eqn; mole; stochi (revise course content = more traditional) available
ch. 10 heat & heating curve + scoring guide available
ch. 13 enthalpy of reaction & dHf; stochi + scoring guide available
ch 12 gas + scoring guide available
ch. 14 kinetics + scoring guide available
ch. 14 equilibrium + scoring guide