Empirical formula Lab
background [prelab assignment (20 points); due at the beginning of the lab]
1. in this lab, you will be given a sample of barium chloride hydrate [BaCl2* 2 H2O]. briefly, describe the experimental procedure to determine the # grams of Ba, Cl, and H2O in the compound. (i.e. review the purpose & content of your lab report)
2. sketch a data table for your experimental measurements.
3. download / save the *. swf file (alternative source), then run the simulation using Ruffle to analyze simulated data using 2.0 g of sample to determine the empirical formula of copper oxide.
4. MSDS on silver nitrate
determine the empirical formula (including the # water molecules associated with metal chloride) based upon experimental data
compare results of using mass of filter paper before use to filter suspension versus after air dry precipitate in your calculations
~ 1.5 g of barium chloride hydrate (or copper chloride hydrate)
balance; test tube; flask
hot plate
water; 30 mL 0.5 M silver nitrate
filter paper / funnel
methods / data analysis
student design
Content of lab report [35 points]
introduction [10 points]
- purpose
- brief description of data analysis; include chemical basis
methods [5 points]
- self-explanatory
results [10 points]
- experimental data & determination of the empirical formula based on your data
discussion [5 points]
- error analysis: nontrivial error & subsequent effect (be specific) on determination of the empirical formula
- potential error due to mass of filter paper without precipitate - before filter suspension versus after air dry precipitate; support your conclusion based on experimental data
heat suspension rationale