A purpose of this extra credit assignment is to use Python, a computer programming language, to generate a lab report.
There is a maximum of 3 extra credit "percent" points in the spring semester, where 1 ec = below Python tutorial and 1 ec for preparing a lab report using Python (if do 2 alb reports using python, then get 2 ec), or 3 ec for 3 lab reports. The preceding lab reports must use / include at least two instances using Python code; i.e. statistics, graphical analysis, or calculations. Limit of 2 students per extra credit assignment submisssion.
tutorial / assignment
set-up: readme (*.docx file)
brief Python tutorial / assignment: *.ipynb file; alternative = use chat gpt; e.g. 1
then open the file using JupyterLab or Google colab or deepnote.
The purpose / goal of using the (FREE) Python computer programming language 1 and (FREE) JuypterLab (or Google colab), is to introduce you to Python and a notebook interface (it is not a python IDE; .e.g. pycharm. notebook vs IDE; ex1 ; ex2), which you can use to prepare your lab report and is a potentially powerful tool in education 2.
Furthermore, the assignment may be of value to future STEM majors as you might use such tools in college 3 and you would develop your life-long learning skills as you use the internet to learn about using the JupyterLab / Python.
The preceding *.ipynb file was developed with the Juypter notebook user interface (UI) and the instructions in the above assignment are based on the Juypter notebook UI. Do not anticipate there to be a significant difference between the Juypter notebook versus JuypteLab. While the Google colab website has a similar user interface as the Juypter notebook and both use Python, there are some differences 4.
While there are alternatives to JuypterLab or Google Colab, do not wish to explore / evaluate these alternatives.
In the spring semester, you will have the option to use Mathematica, another notebook interface with access to a different programming language. Alternatively, you may continue to use JuypterLab / Google colab to prepare your lab reports rather than using Mathematica (primarily due to the difference in cost), but there's no extra credit for using python during the spring semester..
1 python tutorials; e.g. scipy lecture notes; Python for scientific computing; Intro to scientific computing in Python
2 e.g. UCB 2017; Barba et al 2019.
3 e.g. Python / Juypter (2020; 2021); Python / google colab (2021); CS in chem
4 e.g. (i) using the "solve" command from sympy (a computer algebra package / library), the output will be in LaTex, so select, copy, and paste into a "text" (i.e. Markdown) mode cell, then press "Run" to express your answer, (ii) embedded images in Juypter notebook can't be seen using Google colab, (iii) the colab has a real-time collaboration feature, (iv) able to print google colab notebook content, but unable to do so for JuypterLab (web browser verison; have not checked download / install version), and (v) .
video (@ ~ 3:40) with quote: "Most scientists think of programming as a tax they have to pay to do science ".
article: claims that python is a relatively "easy" computer progamming language to learn.
updated: june 2022